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Segment2 is a trait that represents a 2D segment in Cartesian coordinates.

LineSegment2, CircleSegment2, and ArcSegment2 are the three types of segments that implement the Segment2 trait.

Segment2 trait was like this:

pub trait Segment2<T: NumberType>: Debug + Clone + Copy {
    fn segment_type(&self) -> Segment2Type;
    fn source(&self) -> Point2<T>;
    fn source_radian(&self) -> T;
    fn target(&self) -> Point2<T>;
    fn target_radian(&self) -> T;
    fn center(&self) -> Point2<T>;
    fn radius(&self) -> T;


Not all methods are implemented for all types of segments.

LineSegment2 does not implement source_radian, target_radian, center, and radius methods.

CircleSegment2 does not implement source, source_radian, target, target_radian methods.

ArcSegment2 implements all methods.