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Triangle2 is a two-dimensional triangle in the Cartesian coordinate system. It is a fundamental concept of the kernel, which is used to represent the triangle between three points. Triangle2 has three vertices and three edges.



You can create a Triangle2 object using the new method, which takes three arguments: the a, b, and c points of the triangle.

let triangle_2 = Triangle2::new(Point2::new(1.0, 2.0), Point2::new(3.0, 4.0), Point2::new(5.0, 6.0));


Triangle2 has four fields: a, b, c and orientation, which represent the three vertices of the triangle and the orientation of the triangle, respectively. You can access these fields using the a, b, c and orientation methods.

let a = triangle_2.a();
let b = triangle_2.b();
let c = triangle_2.c();
let orientation = triangle_2.orientation();


Triangle2 has several methods that allow you to perform common operations on triangles. Here are some of the most commonly used methods:

  • area: Computes the signed area of the triangle, which is positive if the orientation is counter-clockwise and negative if the orientation is clockwise.
  • edges: Returns the three edges of the triangle.
  • vertices: Returns the three vertices of the triangle.
  • reverse_orientation: Reverses the orientation of the triangle.
let area = triangle_2.area();
let edges = triangle_2.edges();
let vertices = triangle_2.vertices();
triangle_2.reverse_orientation(); // mut method